Starting the Fall Semester Strong
It's easy to be excited about all of the potential that a new semester holds. It’s a hopeful time; but it's OK if you still get little anxious about the upcoming challenges.
Many students enjoy the first week or two of the semester catching up with friends and soaking up the last few weeks of summer weather. This is a great way to stay motivated and find balance in your school year. It’s also a great time to lay out your semester and plan for success.
We know that the beginning of the semester can be an overwhelming time. Here are a few tips to start your semester off successfully.
Prepare for Coursework
Check your course webpage if it has already been posted online by your instructor. As the first class approaches, professors will begin contacting students registered for their courses via their Rutgers email or through announcements on course webpages.
Look over the syllabus for course requirements and expectations, required materials, major deadlines, and the course outline.
Look through the resources posted and carefully read all announcements made by the instructor, because they may include special instructions or assignments for the first class.
Gather Course Materials
Buy or rent your books in advance because most professors will begin using the course materials early.
Use the Rutgers bookstore for new and used purchase or rent options or search online for cheaper deals on used books. Be sure to include estimates of the shipping time when making purchases online.
Advanced purchase of texts combined with the syllabus can allow you to get a head start on the course requirements.
Prepare for Travel
Find the buildings and classrooms that you will be attending before the semester begins. Rutgers is a large university, and chances are that you will have to attend a class in a new building.
Plan your routes in advance. Explore your transit options and how much time it will take.
Plan Out Your Semester
Create a monthly assignment calendar with major deadlines from all the syllabi that you get from the first few weeks of classes.
Create a daily schedule for yourself so when the pace of the classes pick up, you’ll be ready. Include travel time, breaks for meals, time to study, exercise, and relax.
Keep a planner with daily to do lists for each subject.
Micromanage your time at the start of the semester. It may not seem like you have a lot of work, but in no time, it will start to pile up.
Attend All Classes
Classes at the beginning of the semester are especially important because instructors review course expectations and details that may not be listed on the syllabus.
If you plan to add a course, but are not yet registered for it, make sure to attend the class anyway.