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  • Academic Success Workshops

Three students discuss study topics during a group session in the Learning Centers

Academic Success Workshops

Academic Success Series

Our most popular workshop topics are offered through the Academic Success Series, which is facilitated each semester and addresses wide a range of topics.


Plan Your Success

Learn how to set goals, determine priorities, and make a plan that will help you to maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Study Smarter, Not Harder

Get more out of your study sessions by ensuring they are purposeful, planned, active and reflective. Make connections and understand material by incorporating multiple strategies for organizing information like creating visual aids and study guides.

Read to Succeed

Develop effective reading strategies to help you learn more from your textbooks and assigned readings.

Master Your Mind: Metacognition

Metacognition is the understanding of your own academic strengths and weaknesses. Learn metacognitive strategies and take control of your learning.

Focus, Concentrate, and Stay Motivated

Learn techniques to improve focus, concentration, motivation, and memory.

Back On Track

Learn strategies to get organized, set priorities, and make a plan to catch up and get back on track.

Take Tests at Your Best

Conquer test anxiety and learn strategies for preparing for and taking exams.

Less Stress, More Success

Develop strategies for managing academic and non-academic needs to promote physical and emotional well-being.

Upcoming Workshops

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