Faculty & Staff Resources

Learn how we can help you to offer the most effective and impactful education to your students.

Connect Students to Services

An academic coach works with two students in the Learning Centers

Elevate Your Teaching

With the help of Learning Centers, you can learn new strategies for instruction and design activities for your courses, study groups, and for cocurricular and extracurricular programs. Our professional staff have advanced degrees in education and stay current on best practices to help you support active, collaborative, student-centered learning.

See the Difference

"The Centers’ Learning Assistant Program placed three of my top students from the previous year in the classroom with me to facilitate small-group, problem-solving exercises and it transformed the class. Students were engaged, they asked questions, and did considerably better on exams. Many cited the learning assistants and group exercises as their favorite part of the course. It was also the most fun I've ever had teaching!”

Helen M. Buettner
Professor, Rutgers School of Engineering

Tap Into More Resources

Discover academic and instructional support resources provided by organizations across the country and departments right here at Rutgers.

National College Learning Center Association

The National College Learning Center Association supports learning center professionals as they develop and maintain learning centers, programs, and services to enhance student learning at the post-secondary level. Explore links to webinars and online workshops, as well as publications such as The Learning Assistance Review.

College Reading and Learning Association

The College Reading and Learning Association is a group of student-oriented professionals active in the fields of reading, learning assistance, developmental education, tutoring, and mentoring at the college/adult level. The organization provides information about tutor and mentor certification, as well as links to several publications such as the Journal of College Reading and Learning.

The Rutgers Active Learning Community consists of faculty and staff who want to find out more about active learning, promote its use in learning spaces, and develop and share best practices. Learn about workshops and the annual symposium, explore teaching tools, and join the community.