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Learning Centers
Three students wearing Rutgers sweatshirts and backpacks walk outside Murray Hall on the College Avenue campus

First-Year Students

Find support and build connections as you begin your academic career at Rutgers.

Start Strong

The Learning Centers promote active and collaborative learning and offer a variety of academic services and resources for new students. From placement testing to one-on-one tutoring to job opportunities and study groups where you can connect with your classmates, we have the tools to help you achieve success in your undergraduate journey and beyond.

Testing and Placement

Placement testing for first-year students helps us identify your individual skills and preparedness in math, English, and world language, so you can begin studying at the right level to succeed.

Tips and Tools for Learning

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Procrastination is a phenomenon that impacts most of us in one way or another. What do we do when we know we should get started with something, yet keep putting it off? The reasons behind our procrastinating behaviors often go beyond surface level. The iceberg metaphor shows how our emotions and beliefs can complicate our attempts at productivity:

A student works from home on a laptop at a kitchen table

Winter break is here, and you finally get some time off from your hard work at Rutgers University.

We’d like to provide you with a few ways to stay productive during your winter break, so that when you come back, you can start the spring semester off strong.

A student writes on a paper with a pen

Learn the secrets to writing a compelling and memorable personal statement that will get you noticed and listen to our podcast about why you should avoid using childhood anecdotes.

This Is the Learning Centers

Students meet for peer tutoring at the College Avenue Learning Center.

Students meet for a study group session at the Learning Center.

Students gather around for pizza and subs during the Night Against Procrastination event at the Learning Centers.

Roxxy, a miniature horse from Creature Comfort Pet Therapy, visits students at the Night Against Procrastination event.

Students at the Night Against Procrastination event pet Keena, a therapy dog from Creature Comfort Pet Therapy.

Meli, a therapy dog from Creature Comfort Pet Therapy, visits the Night Against Procrastination event.

Students pet Oreo, a therapy dog from Creature Comfort Pet Therapy, during the Night Against Procrastination event.

Students pose with Roxxy, a miniature horse from Creature Comfort Pet Therapy, at the Night Against Procrastination event.