Testing & Placement
Everything you need to know about placement testing for new students.
Placement tests are now open!
Incoming students must complete their required placement tests within 30 days of confirming their enrollment.
About Placement Testing
After a student has been admitted to Rutgers–New Brunswick, they will need to take placement tests to determine their preparedness in a subject area (math, English, world language). Our placement tests are administered online and are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, while the test cycle is open.
The placement tests serve a different purpose than standardized exams and tests in school. Accurate results are important since they are used to select appropriate courses based on the skills each student brings to college. Students must do their best independent work as they complete their tests but should not stress about the outcomes. A student cannot "fail" a placement test, and the results will not impact their admission to Rutgers.
First-Year Students
First-year students must complete their required placement tests within 30 days of accepting their offer of admission to Rutgers (unless awaiting accommodations processing by the Office of Disability Services). Once a student submits their first placement test, they are expected to complete the remaining subjects within 72 hours. They may do all required tests consecutively or take a break between subjects. Students must complete all required tests to attend an academic planning and advising session and submit their course requests.
Students who accepted their offer of admission prior to March 1 have until March 30 to complete testing. Students who accepted their offer of admission while the testing cycle is closed have 30 days to complete testing once it reopens. All other students must complete testing by June 1.
- English placement testing is required for all incoming first-year students. Refer to the "English Test" header at the top of this page for full details.
Math placement testing is required for all incoming first-year students. The Math placement test can be taken twice. Refer to the "ALEKS Math Test" header for full details.
- World language placement testing requirement varies by school. Refer to the "World Language Tests" header for full details. However, the language requirement is required for all:
- School of Arts and Sciences students
- International students who plan to study their first language (other than English) at Rutgers
- Any student who intends to continue studying a world language at Rutgers
Accordion Content
Some students may be exempt from the English and Math placement tests. If you are exempt from any placement test, you do not need to inform us if you've sent all relevant scores to Rutgers. Scores sent with your admissions application do not need to be resent.
Refer to the "Exemptions" header at the top of this page for complete details.
Note: If you are waiting for scores or have not sent them yet, you should take the placement test. All students are encouraged to take the placement tests to assess their current skills and to ensure that they are selecting courses for which they are prepared.
Students with Accommodations
Please register with the Office of Disability Services and receive approval for accommodations (e.g. extra time, reader, scribe) before testing. Tests can only be taken once, except for the math placement test, which can be taken twice.
Do not take any placement tests if your accommodations process is not yet complete. Test attempts cannot be reset once you access the general test. Once approved, you will receive an email within a few weeks from our office with specific instructions and links to access the tests. Testing deadlines will be extended accordingly for students awaiting accommodations – the 30-day and 72-hour deadlines do not apply in these instances.
Transfer and Continuing Students
Transfer students should only test if advised by a Rutgers advisor or indicated on their transfer summary/credit evaluation.
If you've already had an official transcript sent to Rutgers, please review the Transfer Credit Evaluation site to see if an evaluation has been completed.
Questions or Issues? Contact Us.
If you have questions about placement tests or encounter issues while testing, please email otp@echo.rutgers.edu. Although email is the best way to reach us, you can also call 848-932-0573.
Helpful Tips for Students Emailing Us
- Students should only use their official Rutgers email address to email us. We do not answer student emails from non-Rutgers email accounts.
- Include your nine-digit RUID number.
- Include screenshots when possible.
- If you are having issues with a placement test, please specify which test and a brief description of your problem.
- Consider that updated placements take 1-2 weeks to process and appear in the student portal.
- Please do not resend your email. All emails will be responded to in the order they were received.
Preparing for the Tests
We recommend that students familiarize themselves with the format of each test by reviewing the information and sample questions linked below. With the exception of the math test, all placement tests can only be taken once. Because these tests are used to register students for appropriate courses, we encourage them to simply do their best individual work at the level that is typically comfortable for them. We want their time at Rutgers to be successful and accurate placement will enable that.
Students must ensure they are feeling well when they test. Additionally, placement tests should be completed in a quiet, solitary environment. Reference materials cannot be sued. No books, cell phones, or outside assistance of any kind is permitted. Test materials may not be copied or shared, as they are the copyright of Rutgers University or McGraw-Hill.
Accordion Content
The English test consists of the following four sections, and students have 90 minutes to complete it:
- A short language questionnaire (5 minutes)
- An essay (20 minutes)
- Reading comprehension (35 minutes)
- Sentence sense (30 minutes)
The math test consists of up to 30 open-ended questions and is adaptive, meaning your answers determine subsequent questions. Three hours are allotted for the test, and most students take 60-90 minutes to complete it.
The math test is the only placement test that can be taken twice.
Before you start the test, a tools tutorial will show you how to enter the answers. Calculators are not permitted; an on-screen calculator will be provided if required. Scrap paper is permitted.
The format and time requirement of the world language test vary by language. Most can be completed online, while a few are only offered in person.
Understanding Time Limits
Once you begin a test, you must complete that subject within the allotted time; you cannot pause the test. If you finish any section early, you may go back to review your answers, or you may submit your answers and move to the next section.
Once you submit your first placement test, please complete the remaining subjects within 72 hours. You may do all required tests consecutively or take a break between subjects.
Be sure you are feeling well and have a strong, secure, and reliable internet connection when taking your tests. You must use a laptop or desktop computer to complete your tests – no cell phones.
If you encounter a problem while taking a test, do not continue or submit the test. Stop testing and email us with the following information:
- Your NetID
- Your nine-digit RUID number
- A description of the issue
- A screenshot, if possible
Technical Access to the Tests
There is no fee to take the placement tests. However, students must pay their Rutgers acceptance fee to activate their Rutgers NETID, which allows them to log into the test sites. Students will be able to access the tests within two business days after that payment is made.
Academic Integrity
Each student must take their placement tests on their own, and their answers must be based on their accumulated knowledge and skill in that subject. This is important so that we can get a fair assessment of that student's abilities and place them into classes where they can succeed. An incorrect placement may result in a lower GPA, repeated coursework, and a delay in graduation. Cheating on the placement tests is a violation of the university’s academic integrity policy and may result in disciplinary action.
Reference materials cannot be used during any placement testing. No books, cell phones, or calculators are allowed. An on-screen calculator will be available if required. Scratch paper is permitted and must be discarded after you complete your tests. Test materials may not be copied or shared, as they are the copyright of Rutgers University or McGraw Hill.
Technology Required for Testing
Since placement tests are completed online, it is necessary that students have access to a compatible computer and the capabilities required for each test. We have outlined the technology required for each test type, along with important considerations that will help students prepare. Many common troubleshooting issues are addressed here.
Accordion Content
- Students must use a laptop or desktop to complete a test; a cell phone or tablet device will not work properly.
- Students must have a strong, secure internet connection; using a "hotspot" may disrupt testing and, therefore, can affect placement results.
- Students using a school-issued computer or public computer may not be able to download the necessary software, as is the case for the ALEKS math test. Therefore, students should plan to use an alternative, compatible computer.
- Students who are ultimately unable to access/borrow a compatible computer to complete their placement tests, should contact the Testing and Placement office immediately for alternative on-campus online testing options.
- International students encountering technical difficulties while trying to complete their tests aboard, should notify the Testing and Placement Office immediately for further guidance.
- A computer or laptop with a functioning microphone, speaker and camera.
- A strong internet connection (not a "hotspot").
- The ability to download the monitoring software: Respondus Lockdown Browser.
*If you need help with downloading the Respondus Lockdown Browser, email the Testing and Placement Office with a brief description of your issue (and screenshot if possible).
- Computer or laptop with a functioning speaker.
- A strong internet connection (not a "hotspot").
- A computer or laptop with a functioning microphone and speaker.
- A strong internet connection (not a "hotspot").
Getting Your Results
Generally, placements are available within 1-2 weeks after testing. However, it's common for manually graded language tests to take several weeks.
Students can find their placements one of two ways:
1) In the Placement Testing section of your myRutgers dashboard (if you're an incoming student) OR
2) Via Degree Navigator (DN). After logging into DN, click the "My Course List" tab on the left. You will find all processed placements towards the bottom of the list. You can click the course/placement code hyperlink to get the full description of your placement.
Learn more about how to interpret math test results.
Placements after Testing
For First-Year Students:
After completing your required tests, you should still register for and attend your advising day, even if you are waiting for or don't know your placement results. Advisors can access processed placements and can guide your course selection.
An English placement status of "DPT" indicates departmental review. Once the English placement test is reviewed by the writing program faculty, your placement will be updated.
If you are placed into a course for which you sent qualifying AP scores through CollegeBoard, don't worry. Your academic deans will be able to see that before creating your schedule.
Note for Upperclassman:
If your placement is needed to register for a course, you can register via WebReg once your appropriate placement is on file.
Consider Retaking the Math Test
Students are allowed up to two attempts on the math placement test, as long as the attempts are taken within 365 days of each other and the student has not taken a math course after their 1st attempt. You will find more information on Math Retesting, under the "ALEKS Math Test" tab on this site.
Rutgers Business School and STEM-major students are strongly encouraged to retest if they do not place into Calculus I on the first attempt.
About the ALEKS Math Test
Rutgers (NB) uses the ALEKS PPL (McGraw-Hill) placement test, part of an adaptive learning platform widely used by universities nationwide. Each take of the test allows you up to 3 hours to submit up to 30 open-ended (not multiple choice) questions. Most students spend 60-90 minutes on the assessment. This test is adaptive, meaning your answers determine subsequent questions. Because of this, you cannot go back and change or review your answers to previous questions. Click here for a brief overview video. Before you start the test, a tools tutorial will show you how to enter the answers.
Respondus Lockdown Browser™ is required for this test: Click here to download the required version prior to testing. A functioning webcam is required for Respondus Monitor to operate. Click here to check the system requirements at the bottom of the page. If you do not have access to the necessary technology, please email otp@echo.rutgers.edu. When asked for ID, any photo ID is acceptable (high school, license, etc.) If you are under 18, please obtain the consent of a parent or guardian prior to testing.
Log in with your Rutgers NETID (e.g., abc123), not your nine-digit RUID number, select CONTINUE, and proceed to take the test.
During the test, DO NOT use your own calculator. An on-screen calculator will be provided if required. Scrap paper is permitted – dispose after testing. Do not use the back button on your browser once you’ve begun testing, this may result in inaccurate results. Once you start the test, you must complete it in one sitting. Once a student submits their first placement test, they are expected to complete the remaining subjects within 72 hours. They may do all required tests consecutively or take a break between subjects.
(Note: These math instructions are also available in Mandarin HERE.)
Technical Problems?
Stop testing and immediately send an email from your Rutgers email to otp@echo.rutgers.edu, including your RUID and the exact issue encountered, with a screenshot if possible.
Retaking the Math Test
Students are allowed up to two attempts on the math test and are highly encouraged to retest. Please note that students who decide to proceed with taking a math course based on the 1st attempt are ineligible to retest. Math retesting is only for students who haven’t completed a math course at Rutgers. The math retest does not fall under the 72-hour timeframe, however, it should be completed within one year (365 days) of the first attempt, or sooner. Students unsatisfied with their initial math placement score are strongly encouraged to retest; students typically improve on their 2nd attempt. To unlock the 2nd attempt, which can be completed after a 48-hour cool-off period, you must complete 8 hours of individually customized prep and learning modules in ALEKS; this is also the link for completing the 2nd attempt. Ideally, you should retest soon after completing the learning modules, but no later than one year (365 days) from your first attempt. We will use the higher of the two test scores for your placement. Beyond these two opportunities to take the test, there are no additional options for retesting.
Rutgers Business School and STEM-major students are strongly encouraged to retest if they do not place into Calculus I on the first attempt.
Topics & Sample Questions
- Real numbers (fractions, integers, and percentages)
- Equations and inequalities (linear equations, linear inequalities, systems of linear equations, and quadratic equations)
- Linear and quadratic functions (graphs and functions, linear functions, and parabolas), exponents and polynomials (integer exponents, polynomial arithmetic, factoring, and polynomial equations), rational expressions (rational equations and rational functions)
- Radical expressions (higher roots and rational exponents)
- Exponentials and logarithms (function compositions and inverse functions, properties of logarithms, and logarithmic equations)
- Geometry and trigonometry (perimeter, area, and volume, coordinate geometry, trigonometric functions, and identities and equations).
For additional practice, see the final exam review exercises for each course:
On the test, you will see some, but not all, of the math you have learned previously. It is a placement test, not a preview of math courses at Rutgers (NB). It is designed to identify if you are prepared for a particular course.
Access to the Math Test
After completing the test, math placements are typically available within a week.
Interpreting your ALEKS Score
One of the advantages of the ALEKS placement testing system is that it identifies exactly where the individual student is having trouble and customizes the learning modules specifically to those areas, allowing them to brush up where needed without taking an entire course and then starting in the right course in the fall semester. Sometimes, students have trouble with a particular section simply because they are rusty on that topic. Other times, students may not do well on a particular section because courses taken elsewhere may vary depending on which topics they emphasize. The ALEKS modules help fill in any gaps. Being able to work through these modules and then take the test a second time is a great opportunity not just to improve your placement but, more importantly, to build your math skills so that you are ready to begin your math studies at Rutgers with an appropriate course.
ALEKS Scores and Placements (by School)
Here you'll find your school's ALEKS score chart to interpret your score and Rutgers math placement.
ALEKS Score Placement Level 0-13 CMP – Computational Skills (Math 001 + 025) 14-29 EAL – Elementary Algebra (Math 025) 30-45 IMA – Intermediate Math (Intermediate Algebra 026 or Math 103/106/107) 46-60 CMA – College Mathematics (Precalculus 111 or Math 104) 61-75 PCA – Precalculus (Math 115) 76-84 CLG – Calculus 135 85-100 CLS – Calculus 151 or 135 Questions about your math level (or associated courses) and your academic progress?
First years: contact firstyears@sas.rutgers.edu
Transfers: contact transfers@sas.rutgers.edu
ALEKS Score Placement Level 0-13 CMP – Computational Skills (Math 001 + 025) 14-29 EAL – Elementary Algebra (Math 025) 30-45 IMA – Intermediate Math (Intermediate Algebra 026 or Math 103/106/107) 46-60 CMA – College Mathematics (Precalculus 111 or Math 104) 61-75 PCA – Precalculus (Math 115) 76-84 CLG – Calculus 135 85-100 CLS – Calculus 151 or 135 Questions about your math level (or associated courses) and your academic progress?
Contact advisement@mgsa.rutgers.edu
ALEKS Score Placement Level 0-13 CMP – Computational Skills (Math 001 + 025) 14-29 EAL – Elementary Algebra (Math 025) 30-45 IMA – Intermediate Math (Intermediate Algebra 026 or Math 103/106/107) 46-60 CMA – College Mathematics (Precalculus 111 or Math 104) 61-75 PCA – Precalculus (Math 115) 76-84 CLG – Calculus 135 (or Precalculus 115 if your major requires Calculus for Math and Physical Sciences 151) 85-100 CLS – Calculus 151 or 135 Questions about your math level (or associated courses) and your academic progress?
First years: contact first_year@sebs.rutgers.edu
Transfers: contact transfers@sebs.rutgers.edu
All others: contact recordsclerk@sebs.rutgers.edu
ALEKS Score Placement Level 0-13 CMP – Computational Skills (Math 001 + 025) 14-29 EAL – Elementary Algebra (Math 025) 30-45 IMA – Intermediate Algebra (Math 026) 46-60 CMA – Precalculus Part 1 (Taken over 2 semesters, start with Math 111) 61-84 PCA – Precalculus (One semester course, Math 115) *80-84 Calculus 157 + 151 (*with special permission) 85-100 CLS – Calculus 151 Note: SOE students are encouraged to take the test twice if their score is less than 85.
Questions about your math level (or associated courses) and your academic progress?
First years: contact firstyear@soe.rutgers.edu
Transfers: contact transfer@soe.rutgers.edu
ALEKS Score Placement Level 0-13 CMP – Computational Skills (Math 001 + 025) 14-29 EAL – Elementary Algebra (Math 025) 30-45 IMA – Intermediate Algebra (Math 026) 46-60 CMA – Precalculus Part 1 (Taken over 2 semesters, start with Math 111) 61-75 PCA – Precalculus (One semester course, Math 115) 76-84 CLG – Calculus 135 85-100 CLS – Calculus 151 or 135 Questions about your math level (or associated courses) and your academic progress?
Contact laura.sclafani@pharmacy.rutgers.edu or geriurb@rci.rutgers.edu
ALEKS Score Placement Level 0-13 CMP – Computational Skills (Math 001 + 025) 14-29 EAL – Elementary Algebra (Math 025) 30-45 IMA – Intermediate Algebra (Math 026) 46-60 CMA – Precalculus Part 1 (Taken over 2 semesters, start with Math 111) 61-75 PCA – Precalculus (One semester course, Math 115) 76-84 CLG – Calculus 135 85-100 CLS – Calculus 151 or 135 Questions about your math level (or associated courses) and your academic progress?
First years: contact firstyears@business.rutgers.edu
Transfers: contact externaltransfers@business.rutgers.edu
ALEKS Score Placement Level 0-13 CMP – Computational Skills (Math 001 + 025) 14-29 EAL – Elementary Algebra (Math 025) 30-45 IMA – Intermediate Algebra (Math 026) 46-60 CMA – Precalculus Part 1 (Taken over 2 semesters, start with Math 111) 61-75 PCA – Precalculus (One semester course, Math 115) 76-84 CLG – Calculus 135 85-100 CLS – Calculus 151 or 135 Questions about your math level (or associated courses) and your academic progress?
First Years: contact firstyear_nb@sn.rutgers.edu
All others: contact advising@sn.rutgers.edu
If your school is not listed, contact otp@echo.rutgers.edu
About the English Placement Test
The English test is delivered on the eLearning online platform and is allotted 90 minutes; the test MUST be completed in one sitting. The English test consists of four sections:
Type and Number of Questions |
Time Duration |
Survey (5 questions) | 5 minutes |
Essay (1 essay) | 20 minutes |
Reading Comprehension (36 questions) | 35 minutes |
Sentence Sense (46 questions) | 30 minutes |
About Each Section
Find more information on each section of the English test below.
This section is a questionnaire about your language experience in reading, writing, and speaking.
You will be given 20 minutes to write an essay on an assigned topic.
In general, your essay will be scored on how well you phrase and organize your ideas and whether you use specific examples to support your ideas.
Read the topic carefully before you begin writing. This essay is assigned to give you an opportunity to show how you write. Take care to express your thoughts on the topic clearly and effectively. How well you write is much more important than how much you write, but to cover the topic adequately, you may want to write more than one paragraph.
This section of the test measures how well you understand what you read. The questions will be based on information contained in the passages.
For each of the questions in this section, you are to select the best one from the four suggested answers and select the corresponding oval. Questions will test how well you understand specific passages. Answer these questions based on what is stated or implied in the passage.
This section of the test measures how much you know about how parts of a sentence fit together and how to make the meaning of a sentence clear.
One kind requires you to identify faults in sentences and make appropriate corrections. Another kind asks you to rewrite sentences, as you would when editing your own writing. The problems presented for correction are concerned mainly with the structure and logic of sentences, not so much with traditional grammatical issues. Questions deal with expressing ideas clearly and accurately, appropriately coordinating or subordinating ideas within sentences, and recognizing complete sentences. The types of questions used ask you to identify and correct problems in sentences or to recast sentences to change structure or emphasis--tasks you might perform when they write themselves.
Sample English Test Questions
Access to the English Test
The English test is delivered through the eLearning platform. This test must be completed in one sitting, so be sure to allow approx. 90 minutes to complete this test. Remember, incoming students must complete all of their required placement tests within 72 hours of the start of their first test.
After completing the test, English placements are typically available within 1-2 weeks.
About World Language Testing
Tests should only be taken for languages with which a student has experience. Taking the placement test fulfills the language requirement but does not necessarily obligates a student to continue studying that language. Likewise, student do not need to be proficient in the language or plan to continue studying it here at Rutgers. We are looking to assess their incoming knowledge level in the language.
If a student has proficiency in more than one language, they should test in the language they are most likely to study in college. However, there is no limit to how many language tests a student can take.
Students must not test in a language if they have no background in it. Students planning to start studying a new world language at Rutgers should NOT take the test in the new language. Instead, they would begin at the elementary level.
There are no exemptions for world language testing (e.g., IB exam, dual enrollment); however, students may receive credit after their school deans review their transcripts. Please see the "Exemptions" header for more information.
Note: We do not offer an American Sign Language (ASL) placement test. If you do not have experience in any other world language that we offer, you are exempt from the world language placement test. Please contact your school if you have further questions.
World Language Testing is Required for:
- Incoming SAS first-year students
- SEBS students planning to complete the 5-year Ed.M. for New Jersey Teacher Certification
- International students who plan to study their first language (other than English) at Rutgers
- Students with experience in a language who wish to continue studying the language at Rutgers
And Optional for:
- RBS students
- MGSA students
- SoN students
- SoE students
- SEBS students not planning to complete the 5-year Ed.M teaching certification
- EMSOP students
List of the Language Tests We Offer
We offer a wide array of language tests. You can click the language titles below for more departmental information about each language test. The maximum times are included in the chart below. However, students may find they complete the test in less time. Note: Once a student submits their first placement test, they are expected to complete the remaining subjects within 72 hours. They may do all required tests consecutively or take a break between subjects.
Language |
Time |
Arabic* | 142 minutes |
Chinese* | 110 minutes |
French | Adaptive-Time varies |
German | 75 minutes |
Hindi* | 195 minutes |
Italian | 85 minutes |
Japanese* | 210 minutes |
Heritage Korean* | 155 minutes |
Non-Heritage Korean* | 145 minutes |
Latin | 120 minutes |
Persian | 390 minutes |
Polish* | 180 minutes |
Portuguese | 60 minutes |
Russian* | 135 minutes |
Spanish | 115 minutes |
Modern Greek | must arrange with the department |
Turkish* | must arrange with the department |
Swahili* | must arrange with the department |
Twi* | must arrange with the department |
(*) Important Note about our Manually Graded Tests
It is common for manually graded language tests to take longer than the standard two weeks. First-year students should not be concerned if their language requirement is not marked complete in the student portal after taking the test; they should continue with their enrollment pathway while their placement is being determined. Students are welcome to follow up with the Testing and Placement office to check on the status of their placement test once it's been 4-6 weeks.
Accessing the Tests
Click on the appropriate link below for the language test you wish to take. For eLearning tests, you will select the language from the drop-down menu after logging in.
With the exception of manually graded tests, world language placements are typically available within 1-2 weeks of completing the test.
Questions or Technical Issues?
Students should email the Testing and Placement office for more assistance: otp@echo.rutgers.edu.
About Exemptions
Math and English testing are required unless you qualify for an exemption. If you qualify for any of the outlined math exemptions and have already sent your scores to Rutgers, you are exempt from the ENTIRE Math test and should not complete any portion. If you qualify for any of the outlined English exemptions and have already sent your scores to Rutgers, you are exempt from the ENTIRE English test and should not complete it.
Senior year AP, IB exams, and college transfer credit will be evaluated, and appropriate credit will be awarded, but they do not exempt a first-year student from Rutgers Placement Testing. Once official scores or transcripts are received, credits will be issued accordingly and supersede any placement test results. Please complete all required placement tests by June 1.
Note about Advanced Placement (AP) exams: AP exams must have already been taken in 2024 or earlier to be considered for a placement testing exemption.
Qualifying Exemptions
- AP Exam in Calculus AB or BC with a score of 4 or 5 (already completed before 2025).
AP Calculus AB subscore of 4 or 5 on the AP Calculus BC test (already completed before 2025).
Math SAT or ACT scores do NOT provide any exemption from placement testing.
Students with AP exemptions will receive credit for Calculus
Evidence-Based Reading & Writing (EBRW) SAT score of 650 or higher (by the Jan. 2025 test).
ACT Reading score of 28 or higher (by the Jan. 2025 test).
Students with SAT/ACT exemptions will automatically be placed into College Writing 101
AP Exam in English Lang/Comp with a score of 4 or 5 (already completed before 2025).
- AP Exam in English Lit/Comp with a score of 4 or 5 (already completed before 2025).
Students with AP exemptions will receive credit for College Writing 101
Dual Enrollment
Please note that dual enrollment exemptions only count if your academic transcript has been sent to Rutgers. No further action is needed if your official transcript was sent to Rutgers with your application.
Senior-year dual enrollment college credits do not exempt first-year students from their Rutgers placement tests.
- If you have credit for the equivalent of 01:355:101 College Writing (already completed with a C or better before Senior Year), you are exempt from the English placement test if your academic transcript was sent to Rutgers with your application. No further action needs to be taken.
- If you have credit for the equivalent Rutgers Math course (already completed with a C or better before Senior Year), you are exempt from the Math placement test if your academic transcript was sent to Rutgers with your application. No further action needs to be taken.
World Language Exemptions
World language placement testing is required for all School of Arts and Sciences students and International students who plan to study their first language (other than English) at Rutgers. There are no exemptions for world language testing (e.g., IB exam, dual enrollment); however, students may receive credit after their school deans review their transcripts. Please see the "World Language Placement Test" header for the language requirements list by school.
Transfer/Continuing Students
Transfer students may be exempt from placement tests that their Rutgers school generally requires. Therefore, they should only test if advised by their Rutgers advisor or indicated on their transfer summary/credit evaluation.
Note to transfer students: If you've already had an official transcript sent to Rutgers, please review the Transfer Credit Evaluation site to see if an evaluation has been completed.
Sending Exemption Scores
How to Send ACT, SAT, and AP Scores
Please note that exemptions only count after official qualifying scores have been sent to Rutgers. If a student has already sent their scores, there is no need to send them again. Refer to the appropriate link for more information:
ACT: http://www.actstudent.org/scores/send/
Sending Transcripts for College-Level Academic Credits
How to Send Transcripts (by school)
Students wishing to receive college-level academic credits must send their official transcripts to Rutgers directly from the credit-granting college or university attended. Instructions on how to send official transcripts vary by school; expand each school below for specific information on their academic credit transfer policy and where to send transcripts.
Transcripts sent directly from students and high school transcripts cannot be used to award credit. Transcripts must be sent directly from the college that you earned the credit from.
- Electronically (preferred)
If needed, the CEEB code is 002765. If an email address is needed as the recipient, then have it sent to transcripts@admissions.rutgers.edu. (This email address should be used for transcripts only.) - Postal mail
Paper transcripts should be sent to:- University Enrollment Services Admissions Processing
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
65 Davidson Road, Room 308
Piscataway, NJ 08854
- University Enrollment Services Admissions Processing
Find more information on the SAS page HERE.
- Electronically (preferred)
Transcripts sent directly from students and high school transcripts cannot be used to award credit. Transcripts must be sent directly from the college that you earned the credit from.
- Electronically (preferred)
If needed, the CEEB code is 002765. If an email address is needed as the recipient, then have it sent to transcripts@admissions.rutgers.edu. (This email address should be used for transcripts only.) - Postal mail
Paper transcripts should be sent to:- University Enrollment Services Admissions Processing
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
65 Davidson Road, Room 308
Piscataway, NJ 08854
- University Enrollment Services Admissions Processing
Find more information on the RBS page HERE.
- Electronically (preferred)
Transcripts sent directly from students and high school transcripts cannot be used to award credit. Transcripts must be sent directly from the college that you earned the credit from.
- Electronically (preferred)
If needed, the CEEB code is 002765. If an email address is needed as the recipient, then have it sent to transcripts@admissions.rutgers.edu. (This email address should be used for transcripts only.) - Postal mail
Paper transcripts should be sent to:- University Enrollment Services Admissions Processing
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
65 Davidson Road, Room 308
Piscataway, NJ 08854
- University Enrollment Services Admissions Processing
Find more information on the SoE page HERE.
- Electronically (preferred)
Transcripts sent directly from students and high school transcripts cannot be used to award credit. Transcripts must be sent directly from the college that you earned the credit from.
- Electronically (preferred)
If needed, the CEEB code is 002765. If an email address is needed as the recipient, then have it sent to transcripts@admissions.rutgers.edu. (This email address should be used for transcripts only.) - Postal mail
Paper transcripts should be sent to:- University Enrollment Services Admissions Processing
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
65 Davidson Road, Room 308
Piscataway, NJ 08854
- University Enrollment Services Admissions Processing
Find more information on the SEBS page HERE.
- Electronically (preferred)
Transcripts sent directly from students and high school transcripts cannot be used to award credit. Transcripts must be sent directly from the college that you earned the credit from.
- Electronically (preferred)
If needed, the CEEB code is 002765. If an email address is needed as the recipient, then have it sent to transcripts@admissions.rutgers.edu. (This email address should be used for transcripts only.) - Postal mail
Paper transcripts should be sent to:- University Enrollment Services Admissions Processing
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
65 Davidson Road, Suite 301
Piscataway, NJ 08854
- University Enrollment Services Admissions Processing
Find more information on the MGSA page HERE.
- Electronically (preferred)
Transcripts sent directly from students and high school transcripts cannot be used to award credit. Transcripts must be sent directly from the college that you earned the credit from.
- Electronically (preferred)
If needed, the CEEB code is 002765. If an email address is needed as the recipient, then have it sent to transcripts@admissions.rutgers.edu. (This email address should be used for transcripts only.) - Paper transcripts should be sent to:
- University Enrollment Services Admissions Processing
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
65 Davidson Road, Room 308
Piscataway, NJ 08854
- University Enrollment Services Admissions Processing
Find more information on the SoN page HERE.
- Electronically (preferred)
To find transcript instructions for EMSOP and a list of their Frequently Asked Questions, visit their page HERE.
Questions about transcripts and credits?
For questions regarding college-level academic credits and courses, please contact the appropriate advising office:
School of Arts and Sciences (SAS)
- First-year students: firstyears@sas.rutgers.edu
- Transfer students: transfers@sas.rutgers.edu
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (SEBS)
- First-year students: first_year@sebs.rutgers.edu
- Transfer students: transfers@sebs.rutgers.edu
School of Engineering (SOE)
- First-year students: firstyear@soe.rutgers.edu
- Transfer students: transfer@soe.rutgers.edu
School of Nursing (SoN)
- First-year students: firstyear_nb@sn.rutgers.edu
Mason Gross School of the Arts (MGSA)
- First-year & Transfer students: advisement@mgsa.rutgers.edu
Rutgers Business School (RBS)
- First-year students: firstyears@business.rutgers.edu
- Transfer students: alexandra.charles@business.rutgers.edu
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
- First-year & Transfer students: academicservices@pharmacy.rutgers.edu
Helpful Handouts
Click the hyperlink to open a handout, and be sure to read it thoroughly.
Placement Test Info in Mandarin
Interpret Your Math/Chemistry Placement
Interpret Your English Placement