Many students are intimidated to visit their professor during office hours for a variety of reasons. Rutgers professors are very accomplished, having doctoral research and extensive understanding of the subject matter you are trying to learn. It might make some students feel like their potential questions are too simple or basic for a professor to waste their time on.

The truth is that Rutgers professors are more than happy to help. They want you to learn and succeed. The really good news is if you go into their office hours with a plan and follow these simple steps you will get a rewarding experience.

First, when you attend your professor’s office hours always introduce yourself, stating your name and the course you are in. Even if you made an appointment, make it a point to do this. It may be hard for a professor to remember your face out of the many people in your lecture or course. By connecting your face to your name, the professor will remember you better when grading material and determining final grades for the semester.

Second, when you attend your professor’s office hours it is best to come prepared with the material that you are struggling with or needs clarification. This means if you did poorly on a test, try to correct the test first, or at least identify concepts and ideas that you did not fully grasp. Coming to office hours with specific questions about concepts or ideas will always get a better result than vaguely saying “I don’t get it. Help me.” Being prepared shows your professor that you are putting the time in and working hard to understand the material.

Finally, performing badly on a test is not the only reason to visit a professor during office hours. Visiting him/her to understand how to prepare for the test may be a good idea. Also, professors can help you in many aspects of your academic and professional career. They can give you advice if you are interested in their field of study, tell you details about other courses within the major, or even help to guide your research. Ultimately, the effort you put in here at Rutgers will determine what you get out of your education. Knowing how to work with your professor to get help is essential to academic success.

Read Our Office Hours Guide