Meet the Coaches

Our academic coaches are here to help you become a more successful student and learner.

Academic Coaches and Peer Coaches 

  • A gray photo placeholder

    Peer Coach 

    Hello! My name is Varun and I'm thrilled to be an Academic Coach at the Rutgers Learning Centers. I attained my undergraduate degree in Business Analytics and Information Technology here at Rutgers and am currently pursuing my master's in Financial Statistics and Risk Management. My relationship with academia blossomed during my tenure as a learning assistant in macroeconomics, where I discovered my knack for employing pedagogical skills to foster a vibrant and conductive atmosphere. 

    Rutgers has always held a special place in my heart and now, it's become an exciting new beginning in my academic and professional journey. I am wholeheartedly committed to creating an inclusive space that nurtures your learning experiences, providing a clear, strategic framework to help you reach your academic milestones. Together, we will explore the myriad opportunities and resources Rutgers has to offer, shaping a journey that's uniquely yours. 


  • Taqiya Ehsan

    My name is Taqiya Ehsan, and I’m a Ph.D. student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rutgers. While my doctoral research focuses on developing socially cognizant technologies for smart spaces, I am also very passionate about creating supportive and developmental environments for college success.

    Throughout my time at Rutgers, I have been driven by a desire to support and uplift those around me. From my roles in Residence Life, to my experience as a Learning Assistant and Peer Mentor to first-year female engineers, I have seen firsthand the transformative power of a nurturing and inclusive environment. These experiences have led me to become an Academic Coach at the Learning Centers to provide personalized support to help students succeed in their college careers.

    As an Academic Coach at the Learning Centers, my goal is to create a welcoming, judgment-free space where every student feels supported in their academic journey. I want to help students build confidence, develop effective study strategies, and overcome any challenges they face. By fostering a developmental environment, I hope to empower students to achieve their full potential and make the most of their college experience. Let’s connect and make the most of our time at Rutgers!

  • Emilie Chinchar

    Academic Coach

    My name is Emilie Chinchar and I am an Academic Coach at the Rutgers Learning Centers. I recently graduated from Seton Hall University, with my bachelor’s degree in social and behavioral sciences, with a minor in social work. During my undergraduate career, I had the pleasure of working three years at the Center for Academic Success as a peer advisor, mentoring incoming freshmen. This experience allowed me to aid over 70 assigned students on both their academic and personal progress while transitioning into college. I also had the opportunity to be a teaching assistant, instructing four classes over three years, for a mandatory introductory course, which focused on skills for success in a college setting. I believe with my prior work experience with students and continuous passion for higher education, I can help a variety of students identify, plan, and reach their academic goals.

    I was interested in Rutgers because the university has always had a special place for me. Growing up I attended Rutgers football and basketball games with my family, my dad being a loyal Rutgers fan for as long as I can remember. I still can recount meeting Greg Schiano in 2008 along with my brother "notoriously" being born on Rutgers Day in 2009. My family even had professional photos taken of us all wearing Rutgers gear!

  • Raynaysia Burrell

    Academic Coach

    Hello! My name is Ranaysia Burrell (she/her/hers), and I am a graduate student in the College Student Affairs (CSA) program. At Rutgers, I have worked with students and staff in the Honors College, Ronald E. McNair Summer program, and the Restorative Justice program. Before Rutgers, I received my B.S. in P-12 Health and Physical Education with a minor in athletic coaching from Kean University. During my undergraduate experience, I participated in the McNair Scholars summer program, conducted research, and was heavily involved in student leadership opportunities on campus.


    I am excited to join the Rutgers Learning Centers as an academic coach and contribute to the Rutgers community as an additional student resource. As an academic coach, I will provide support and educational resources to assist you in your academic journey here at Rutgers. 

  • Misha Faerovitch

    Academic Coach

    I'm a recent graduate of Rutgers University with a bachelor's in biological sciences. Rutgers University has given me tremendous opportunities to enrich my academic and professional skills. As your coach, I hope to work with you to develop fundamental and transferable skills that will aid you in becoming the exceptional student you wish to be!

    Throughout my time at Rutgers, I have been involved in both academics and research. I have been a non-traditional member of the Rutgers Honors Program, where I have worked with first-year students to combat the challenges of beginning college. I have been an active advocate for the academic community by being a General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry Learning Assistant and enriching the student-learning experience. Also, I have partnered with the Division of Life Sciences where I was a General Biology Study Group Leader and an Undergraduate Genetics Teaching Assistant. Regarding scholarly work, I conducted undergraduate research with both the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School for three years of my undergraduate career.

    As a first-generation immigrant, and the first in my family to enroll in a U.S. university, I found college to be challenging at times. However, with the right mindset and academic tools it was completely feasible and extremely rewarding.

  • Luke_Ferrell

    Academic Coach

    Welcome to Academic Coaching! My name is Luke Ferrell and I am a proud Rutgers graduate with a BA in Theater and minors in History and Human Resource Management. At Rutgers, I am an Academic Coach with the Rutgers Learning Centers and a Program Coordinator for the Office of Career Exploration and Success. In my undergrad, I had the privilege of teaching three seminar courses to first-year and international students as well as being a Peer Academic Coach. On campus I was also the Artistic Director of Cabaret Theatre, where I have directed and music directed productions for the Rutgers community. I synthesize my theater and education background through teaching theater to local performing arts institutions, schools, and even worldwide (via Zoom).


    I am thrilled to join the Rutgers Learning Centers and to collaborate with you to reach your academic goals. While I am looking forward to share my tips and tricks from my background as an educator, I pride myself on fostering a collaborative and welcoming environment, as I am a small piece of the puzzle. As an artist, I know how important it is to know yourself and that knowledge lies with one person- you!

  • Caroline Guirguis

    Academic Coach

    My name is Caroline Guirguis and I come to the Rutgers–New Brunswick Learning Centers with a background of working with students on the collegiate levels in roles that help enhance student academic experiences. Rutgers is near and dear to me and has been my old stomping ground since undergraduate studies. I have earned a bachelor's degree in history and education from Rutgers–Newark, as well as a master's degree in public policy with a concentration in education from the Rutgers Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy.
    I have been fortunate enough during my academic and professional experiences to have been given access to resources and individuals who have helped me ask the right questions and invest in myself and my lifelong learning journey. It is my belief that everyone can attain success and have an effective educational and learning experience when given the proper tools and resources for their personal journey. At Rutgers, there are many opportunities and services available to ultimately provide students with multifaceted support towards their personal and academic success. I am excited to meet you and work with you through Academic Coaching to work together and identify resources and opportunities for your personal journey. 

  • Zeal Patel

    Academic Coach 


    My name is Zeal Patel. I recently graduated from Rutgers University with a bachelors of science in Exercise Science and a minor in psychology May of 2023. Currently, I am taking a gap year and applying to physical therapy schools. In my undergrad I was part of APO - a service fraternity, worked on campus as a fitness assistant and a peer coach, an ambassador for the department of Kinesiology, and I served as a learning assistant for Physics for Sciences. As someone who was involved in many extracurriculars I understand how it feels to feel overwhelmed and have no time management skills. My freshman year I struggled with managing my time, study schedule, and trying to make sure I completed my commitments. I was living with constant stress. But with the right skills and guidance I was able to turn my grades around with the right study skills, manage my time better, and even become more involved with extracurriculars. I am fully confident that I can help manage your time and help you find the right skills you need to tackle stress or find more useful study skills so you can manage your time better. As an academic coach, I hope to create a welcoming environment for all the students, and support them through their academic journey. I am looking forward to working with you! 


  • Gopika Sharma

    Academic Coach

    My name is Gopika Sharma and I considered becoming a doctor, until I fell in love with education. Growing up under the Asian stereotype of success, I struggled to claim my own passion as an educator. I'm so happy I did. Today, I am an enthusiastic secondary educator with over six years of experience currently teaching psychology. Succeeding in college requires not just learning content, but also mastering your own mind. As a previous student at Rutgers, I deepened my interest in yoga, meditation and mindfulness to help manage my academics, career exploration and extra-curricular activities. I earned my bachelor's degree in biological sciences and psychology followed by a master's degree in education from Columbia University. I credit my success to a combination of hard work, reflection and meditation and I carry these practices to my work as an educator today. You cannot be at your best if your mind is not at your best. After working with hundreds of students between ages 12 and 22, I realize that there is no uniform toolkit to success and wellness. Today, I draw upon knowledge of science, psychology, education, yoga and a large range of learning strategies to help my students craft individual plans to support their achievement. College is a special time in life to pursue your passion and develop the skills you need to reach your greatest potential. I am grateful to be part of the RLC team and would be honored to support you on your unique journey to success!

  • Carle Wirshba

    Academic Coach

    My name is Carle Wirshba and I am a Ph.D. student in music here at Rutgers University. My personal path in academia was certainly not a traditional one, but a path I believe has shaped me into the person I am today. I walked into my undergraduate career just another anonymous, anxiety-ridden pre-medical student, tuning out the world with oversized orange headphones. It took time, but through practice I was not only able to succeed academically but was able to navigate through disciplines and find the field that motivated me, not satisfy a desire by family and friends. Through my shift from pre-med, to clinical psychology, to eventually music composition and theory, I have invested much of my college career overcoming senses of inadequacy in new disciplines. It is how we persevere and push through these difficult challenges that define us. It is accepting uncertainty and new experiences that allows us to learn and grow.

    As an academic coach my goal is to make every student-session welcoming, judgment-free, and open to all no matter where they are on their academic journey.  I hope to explore strategies and techniques and find what works best for you!  Everyone learns differently, and not every study strategy, reading tip, or lifestyle change will work for everyone either. Our sessions will be an exploration of different strategies in hopes of finding the right tools you need for success here at Rutgers. It would be an honor to be a partner in your academic journey and hopefully we can squash some of those feelings of inadequacy that I used to feel myself.

Guiding You Toward Success

Our academic coaches are available for 1-on-1 coaching sessions and our peer coaches are available for small group sessions to help you learn new study strategies and skills like time management. They also lead Academic Success Workshops on a variety of topics designed to help you be successful in college, your career, and life.

  Academic Coaching Staff

Our full time coaches are located across each learning center on all four New Brunswick campuses. 

Lucille Leung

Lucille Leung

Livingston Learning Center

Director of Academic Coaching & Strategic Learning

Livingston Learning Center

Lucille Leung is the Director of Academic Coaching & Strategic Learning.

Sarah Kravits has brown curly hair and is wearing a purple shirt

Sarah Kravits

Livingston Learning Center

Academic Coach

Livingston Learning Center

Sarah Kravits is a full time Academic Coach located in the Livingston Learning Center. 


Lissette Morales

College Avenue Learning Center

Academic Coach

College Avenue Learning Center

Lissette Morales is a full time Academic Coach located at the College Ave Learning Center.

Jackson Toomey

Jackson Toomey

Busch Learning Center

Academic Coach

Busch Learning Center

Jackson Toomey is a full time Academic Coach located in the Busch Learning Center. 

Become a Academic Coach

Help your fellow students and advance your own learning as an academic coach at the Learning Centers.