The first week of classes can be a very difficult experience for students. Time management, avoiding stress, and a slew of other concerns can make the beginning of the semester a bit daunting. One way to alleviate the stress of a new school year is to properly utilize syllabi. A syllabus is an important tool both professors and students use to organize their time throughout the semester. Additionally, a syllabus can become a useful resource when used to map out specific academic goals in the beginning of the semester. The following are helpful tips on how to make the most out of your syllabi.

Use the Course Schedule

During the first week of classes, set aside time to create a month-long calendar for all of your courses using your syllabi. Make sure to include all assignment due dates and exam dates. This will make it easier to schedule in when you start working on an assignment or start studying for an exam. A month-long calendar helps you see important dates well before they approach, which makes it easier to prepare.

Focus on Course Goals and Objectives 

Professors use this part of the syllabus to talk about what topics they will focus on and what they want you to learn. This information is crucial because it can help you organize your reading and study notes into topics. It can also help you get a sense of what you should expect to learn in the course which is a great way to track your progress. If you’re learning what the professor initially hoped you would learn, chances are that you are on the right track.

Follow the Course Guidelines

This part of the syllabus breaks down how you will be graded and is a great tool for prioritizing study time. For instance, if 40% of your grade is determined by the final exam, then your study time should reflect that. If only 10% of your grade is determined by homework assignments, then you can spend less time working on homework. Knowing how you will be graded can help you determine what is least and most important for the course.

Ultimately, a syllabus is great stress reducer when utilized properly. For more tips on utilizing syllabi and other helpful resources, visit an academic coach at any one of the learning centers.